Tuesday, March 24, 2020

10 Tips for Acing Your College Admissions Interview

10 Tips for Acing Your College Admissions Interview The following piece was written by Joie Jager-Hyman. Joie has been featured in ourAdmissions Expert seriesand is a former Assistant Director of Admissions for Dartmouth College. She is the founder of her own admissions consulting service, College Prep 360. While not every school offers interviews for admission, if the opportunity is presented to you, take it! Before the school year starts, research your colleges websites to see if they offer interviews. If they do, reserve your spot as soon as possible. Even if an interview isnt officially recommended, it can still be a great opportunity for students to demonstrate interest in the school and possibly compensate for any blemishes on their academic records. Whether your interviewer is a member of the admissions staff or a local alumnus, it is extremely important that you put your best foot forward. Having personally conducted scores of admissions interviews, I have compiled 10 easy tips for students to ace their interviews. The following are taken from my new book, B+ Grades, A+ College Application: 1.Bring your resume: In my experience, many interviewers will use your resume to guide the conversation for the interview and pose questions about your extracurricular activities, community service, personal interests, and so on. Discussing your resume will give you plenty to talk about and will help the time fly by.2.Familiarize yourself with current events: Thanks to the internet, it only takes a few minutes per day to peruse national newspapers like The New York Times or to stream national news on NPR. Your interviewer will expect you to have a general understanding of major headlines, so do your daily homework.3.Read outside of school: While you make time to brush up on current events, also take the time to read for your own enjoyment. Doing so will give interviewers a lot of insight into your intellectual curiosityespecially if you choose to read books outside the realm of pop culture (e.g., the Twilight series, Harry Potter).4.Know your academic interests: Chances are your inte rviewer will ask about your favorite academic subject and what you might want to study in college. Think of a class you really enjoy and be prepared to elaborate (enthusiastically) on how you would like to pursue studies in that subject area. Also, do some legwork and research online how this area is taught at your interviewers college. If you can name a course or professor that interests you, all the better!5.Reflect on your personal interests: Be prepared to shed light on personal interests or activities, such as photography or music. Even if you simply enjoy seeing photography in museums or playing music in your friends cars, be ready to talk about your passions! Your interviewer will want to know what youve learned from the time youve spent viewing or taking pictures and how you would want to pursue that activity in college.6.Show passion for a cause: Colleges are looking to admit students who will take charge and use their educations to make a positive impact on the world. This would be a great opportunity to talk about any community service efforts on your resume, but if youre not that involved, think about issues you care about and be prepared to discuss how you want to leverage your passion for those issues to make your mark on the world.7.Do your research: By interviewing, you are exhibiting a serious commitment to a particular college and your interviewer will expect you to have some familiarity with his or her school. Go beyond what it is on the colleges website and chat with a current student, or read the schools newspaper to get a sense of the major issues on campus and what the student body is like.8.Ask three questions: An interview is as much an interviewers opportunity to learn about you, as it is for you to learn more about the college and see if it is a good fit. At the end of your interview, you will likely be asked if you have any questions. Be sure to ask thoughtful, qualitative questions that you cant find the answer to online such as: H ow accessible is the faculty outside the classroom? or, What kind of research opportunities are available to underclassmen?9.Writea thank-you note: In these days of e-communication, a handwritten note makes a wonderful impression on an interviewer. You can keep it brief and just mention how you enjoyed meeting him or her, making sure to include a few highlights from your conversation.10.Practice makes perfect: While you may never have been interviewed before, you can take comfort in knowing that interviewing is a skill that you can learn through practice. Based on my tips, you now have a pretty good idea as to what interviewers will ask you, so jot down a list of questions and practice with someone you trust. Make sure you practice well in advance of your scheduled interview so that you wont feel overwhelmed with questions! Check outCollegePrep360 for more information. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Beginners Guide to Geometry

The Beginner’s Guide to Geometry Your Complete Guide to Beginner’s Geometry ChaptersThe Bases of Geometry: Where Studies BeganBasic Geometry Equations and ExamplesOnline Resources to Further Your Geometry StudiesHow You Can Find The Best Geometry TutorWe hear geometry-related words all the time: ‘what’s your angle?’ and ‘everyone should eat three square meals a day!’ and ‘she ran circles around me!’, often with little thought to how fundamental those shapes are to the discipline called geometry.So ubiquitous is geometry to our daily lives that it is downright strange for students to dread having to calculate the area and volume of a shape or the circumference of a circle â€" let alone the lengths and degrees of arcs.Still, there is a substantial phobia of anything algebraic, be it solving an equation or performing calculus. Yes, those are related to geometry too.Geometry doesn’t exist as a standalone mathematical discipline, it is intimately intertwined with every branch and facet of maths, from algebra to trigonometry, and extending all the way to the highest of math specialities, the aforementioned calculus.Did you know that geometry is intrinsic to computer coding, ciphering and communication, too?Did you also know that, if not for the continuous application of geometry, the world as we know it would screech to a halt?Before such a doomsday scenario can come to pass, let’s take a close look at the history of geometry and the resultant equations that high school math students struggle with to this day.No need to worry, though. As always, your Superprof is here with handy tips and tricks for you to learn geometry most effortlessly! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMath s Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teacher 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Bases of Geometry: Where Studies Began This artist's rendition of what Babylon's Hanging Gardens must have looked like suggests a great deal of geometrical calculation was used Source: Wikipedia Credit: Maarten van HeemskerckEuclid of Alexandria is widely considered to be the father of geometry; nobody would argue against the vast contributions he made. However, he wasn’t the world’s first geometer.Nor, for that matter, was Pythagoras, he who gave us the memorable solution for calculating the hypotenuse of right triangles â€" and, by extension, a way to solve any number of equations that involve a perpendicular line and a base.Food for thought: the Great Pyramid of Giza was built around 2650BC. Pythagoras lived from around 570BC to about 495BC and Euclid was born around 300BC.We must accept that it took some knowledge of geometry to design and construct those magnificent polyhedra (a geometrical term for pyramids); builders had to have calculated the area of the base and its corresponding height and a variety of other factors.Likewise, we must accept that Pythagoras walked the earth about 200 years before Euclid was born because ancient records indicate it. Putting two and two together...It hardly takes a mathematician to conclude that Euclid is clearly not the first to train his brain to all things geometric.However, he was the first to formally outline geometric precepts into a single volume, a book of thirteen chapters that forms the basis of what we call today Euclidean geometry.That is the type of geometry we learn in school, in case you were wondering.Naturally, if Euclidean is a type of geometry, that suggests that there are other types, right?Indeed, once you master the Pythagorean Theorem and the formulas for the area and perimeter of shapes, you may consider furthering your geometric studies in:Non-Euclidean Geometry: also called elliptic geometry, concerns itself with familiar theorems applied to 3D shapesAnalytic Geometry studies geometric figures using a system of coordinatesDiffere ntial Geometry uses differential equations to solve a variety of unresolved postulatesTopology deals with properties of spaces; their connectedness and compactnessComputational Geometry is used in image processing, auto-CAD and medical imaging, among othersAlgebraic Geometry studies geometry using concepts of commutative algebrathis is the type of geometry used in string theory â€" a theory used to address fundamental questions in physicsClearly, geometry is far from being a reviled part of your maths curriculum â€" a useless part, you might aver, seeing as we have tools to measure an acute angle without having to calculate it.Of course, you are perfectly right; what’s the point of learning how to calculate the area of a right triangle or a parallelogram when there are apps to do it for you…Unless you consider basic geometry to be a door, swinging open to let you in on further mysteries of the earth and space.That being the case, you really need to master all of the bases of geo metry. Geometry provides a formula for calculating any shape from an isosceles triangle to polygons Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayBasic Geometry Equations and ExamplesAs mentioned before, one great mind (Euclid) did not simply wake up one day with a burning desire to write a book about things he thought were true with absolutely no evidence or concurrence; a book revered still today, whose theories have been proved over and over again.His was perhaps more of a compilation of previously held, maybe even previously proven ideas.Nobody is saying that Euclid found a way to profit from other geometers’ work; there is no doubt he too put forth great effort in solving some of geometry’s most persistent mysteries.However, we should also give him credit for taking the time to compile all of these theorems into a book that is widely held to be the most important book of science in the history of humankind.The language is archaic, originally translated from Greek into Latin, and then, as the t ext made its way into Europe, rather roughly translated into French and German and, finally, English, it expounds on certain simple truths.A line segment may be continued as a straight line indefinitely - EuclidYou may consider that postulate self-evident â€" why wouldn’t such a line be able to continue indefinitely? But then, back when the world was new and there were no such things as laser levels, scanners or theodolites, such things were not known and had to be established as axioms.As the discipline developed, so too did the number of ways to prove new postulates through calculation.We have a companion article filled with the simplest to the more complex geometric equations just waiting for you to discover...Online Resources to Further Your Geometry StudiesBy now, we’ve hopefully established that geometry is an ancient discipline, one full of existing uses and laden with the possibility for future innovations.Somehow, against all odds, you now find yourself interested in a career involving geometry and you want to be able to bust out formulas to calculate geometric constructions as casually as you eat breakfast.Lucky for you, there is plenty of help to be had in cyberspace.Besides reference standards like Britannica and Wikipedia, and beyond any school support site you may subscribe to and anything your school has put online, there are hordes of other pages that address geometry at any level â€" from basic geometry to university-level materials.For one, it would be quite handy to have a maths dictionary to look up all of the terms that define your geometry problems, such as ‘angle bisector’ and ‘interior angle’.You may even want to consult the Math Is Fun dictionary to get a concise definition of what a cosine represents.The site mentioned above is truly a great resource but the one that really covers all things math is called Homeschool Math.Targeted to American students who are homeschooled, it covers anything you could ever want insofar as supplemental geometry information: definitions and equations, formulae and constructions.You can even find geometry worksheets to practise geometry independent of anything you get in school!You may check that most helpful resource for further links to geometry study websites; we also invite you to discover other online resources we compiled. Working with a geometry tutor can help you sort through geometry word problems; a common stumbling block for budding geometers Image by Daniela Dimitrova from PixabayHow You Can Find The Best Geometry TutorEven the best students occasionally need a helping hand.When all else fails and you simply can’t find your way through all of the geometric shapes you’re confronted with, you may just need someone to sit down with you, maybe offer a different perspective on your particular area of difficulty.Whether for ongoing support, meaning somebody works with you regularly or you just need a boost â€" someone who will present geometry concepts in a new way, a geometry tutor would surely be your best bet.You may ask your teacher or perhaps a fellow student if s/he might know someone well-versed in plane geometry or coordinate geometry â€" whatever your particular stumbling block is, that could help you a bit.You may also check with your local library. Often, they host homework help sessions one or two afternoons per week with qualified tutors.If neither of those options suits you, you could go on the search for a tutor near you â€" just beware that, if you type that phrase into your favourite search engine, you’ll be overwhelmed with the listings it returns!If you’re after efficiency and convenience â€" and, of course, stellar results in your tutor search and in geometry, you should bypass all other searches and head straight to Superprof.Superprof has more than 22,000 geometry tutors scattered across the UK; surely one is close to you? Or you could always opt for online lessons…You might think that such a tutor would be out of your price range but, with an average rate of £11 per hour of instruction, you could hardly go wrong, especially when you consider that most Superprof tutors offer their first hour of instruction for free!Geometry is as vital today as it was when the pyramids were built; more so because much of our lives, from the GPS guiding us to our d estinations to the radars keeping air traffic flowing.That is why keen minds like yours are needed to continue making great advances in this mathematical discipline we call geometry.Keep your compass and straightedge handy; you’re going to need them!

Connect to Online Calculus Tutor for Easiest Calculus Solutions

Connect to Online Calculus Tutor for Easiest Calculus Solutions Calculus is a tough subject and demands mental exercises. This drain one’s energy both physically and mentally. Ambitious students don’t want to give up the subject at any cost and try hard to do it in detail. Online Calculus tutor proves the best bet for such meticulous students. With his outstanding subject knowledge and exposure to batches of students over years. What skills you need for Calculus learning? Basic Algebra skills and Trigonometry knowledge are necessary for Calculus learning. Online Calculus Tutor as they give a good start for students of Calculus. Further, students need to pick up homework strategies and regular study habits. Habits to do Calculus well at length without falling behind. They need to work hard. Practice problems well and do extra problems to stay confident on their exam day. Who Needs Online Calculus Tutor What can students who lack in necessary Calculus skills do? Students who lack in the fundamental skills of Calculus may not be able to get over the starting troubles in Calculus classes. They may feel overwhelmed to handle Calculus homework. They have to concentrate on homework tasks for more than an hour every day. Thus can come up in Calculus classes and homework grades gradually. One more option is Calculus Homework Help from online tutoring sites. It has been recommended by many parents and teachers for the benefits it brings forth for the students. Firstly, through web connectivity, a student is able to link to tutors at once. At any time and get his problems solved. Virtual tutors are able to offer the much expected personalization to their classes. They are able to explain concepts with clarity. This is done through audio and video support. There is room for interaction and students are able to voice their grievances and get remedies for them. Any time availability for homework help and tutoring is a major plus in this complex learning scenario. Calculus skills are specific and subject experts are available in virtual tutoring centers. This helps to train the students in the required skills through proper strategies. Is Calculus assignment help necessary for topping the class? Calculus assignment help is necessary for understanding the intricacies of the subject. It is important for easy assignment scores. Calculus theorems and formulas are intriguing and need expert handling from tutors of veteran experience. Assignments can be taxing and challenging. E-tutors with their knowledge can bring solutions for students of various categories with different mental calibers. Seek Student Assignment Help For Suitable Remedies For Your Assignment Hassles: Tutor Pace Tutor Pace unleashes an array of tutors. Tutors who thwart every learning issue of students with utmost sincerity. Dedication provides seamless services in Calculus tutoring, assignment and homework help. The tutors are certified scholars in the field. Certified with tested knowledge to leash out solutions for any overwhelming topic in Calculus.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How the NACE Defines Career Readiness

How the NACE Defines Career Readiness Theres so much for teens to do to get ready for collegeboth academically and otherwise. Youve probably heard that college is more challenging than high school and you certainly know, maybe from personal experience, that college professors expect that students are intrinsically motivated. At Huntington Learning Center, we believe there are several traits that make a student college ready: Independent Adaptable Resourceful Skilled at studying/planning to study Analytical Skilled at prioritizing time and multiple responsibilities At this stage of your childs life, youre focused on helping him or her become college ready. The goal of college, of course, is to prepare your child to enter the real world and succeed there. Yet, what exactly is career readiness? And are the skills and aptitudes that students need for college similar to those that are essential for success in the real world? The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)* defines career readiness as the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. Based on research among employers, they defined these eight competencies as being associated with career readiness: Critical thinking/problem solving: Just like in college, where college professors invite students to express their ideas, analyze information and make connections, the workplace requires that people exercise sound reasoning to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems. NACE explains that career-ready professionals are able to obtain, interpret, and use knowledge, facts, and data in this critical thinking/problem solving process. Oral/written communications: The ability to communicate is critical in every professional setting. NACE shares that those who are capable of articulating their thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively in written and oral forms are ready for the real world. People need to be able to write and edit, speak to others and express themselves. Teamwork/collaboration: In just about every workplace, people must be able to work with others. NACE says collaborative relationships with colleagues and customers are important, and people need to be able to work within a team structure and manage conflicts. Digital technology: Todays workforce operates in a fast-paced, data-driven world. To be ready for that environment, people need to demonstrate effective adaptability to new and emerging technologies. Leadership: Whether people become CEOs or nurses, teachers or doctors, abilities such as leveraging the strengths of others to achieve common goals and using interpersonal skills to coach and develop others are very valuable. People with common leadership skillsusing empathy to motivate others and delegating properlytend to thrive. Professionalism/work ethic: Every industry, every job and every workplace benefits from employees who take accountability and have effective work habits. NACE explains the importance of punctuality and time management, as well as the impact of integrity and ethical behavior. Career management: To truly succeed in a career, people must be able to identify and articulate their strengths, knowledge and experiences. Its also important that people know where they could grow professionally. Career-ready people are skilled at pursuing the steps necessary to advance their careers and self-advocating for opportunities in their workplaces. Global/Intercultural Fluency: The world is global. Todays professionals should be respectful and appreciative of those coming from cultures, races and backgrounds different than their own. In life, people need to be able to demonstrate inclusiveness and sensitivity. Being ready for college is the first step toward career readiness, and the two stages go hand in hand. If your teen is approaching college and youd like to ensure he or she is prepared, contact Huntington at 1-800 CAN LEARN. * NACE is the leading source of information on the employment of the college educated. The association forecasts hiring and trends in the job market, tracks starting salaries, recruiting and hiring practices, and student attitudes and outcomes, and more.

8 Questions to Ask When Considering a Private Tutor

8 Questions to Ask When Considering a Private Tutor GMAT MBA Admissions Blog Whether you’re in high school, college, or graduate school (or you are a working professional preparing for a standardized test like the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, or MCAT, etc.) hiring a private tutor can be a very good idea and investment. Through customized instruction focused on an individual’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning style, the decision to hire a private tutor can result in better grades or test scores, more efficient use of study time, and ultimately, a faster route to however you’re defining success. However, it can also be very costly, both in terms of the cost per hour itself, and the investment of time and attention you must put into finding and hiring the right tutor and making the experience successful. In the past three years of operating MyGuru, which we believe is a premier destination for individuals considering private tutoring, we’ve identified 8 key questions one should ask before hiring a tutor. You’ll notice that some of these questions should be posed to the tutor, but others are questions you need to ask yourself (or your child). Here are the questions we discuss in the white paper. Question #1: Have you exhausted all available free resources? Question #2: Do you have the time to do the research to find the right tutor? Question #3: What is your specific goal in hiring a tutor? Question #4: What is the academic background AND tutoring/teaching background AND track record of the tutor? Hint â€" as these questions together, as a group. Question #6: How much are you willing to spend? Question #7: Is the first session risk free? Question #8: What are your expectations for the first session (i.e. objectives, location, etc.)? To download our white paper that covers how to use these 8 questions as you’re considering a private tutor, please click below. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

The Power of Owning Your ADHD

The Power of Owning Your ADHD When hackers sought to discredit US Olympians by releasing their medical records, it was revealed that Simone Biles had sought and obtained an exemption for the use of a therapeutic medication.The medication, as it turns out, was prescribed to treat her ADHD. While some athletes have yet to comment on their released information, Simone was quick to address the topic. Rather than retreating, she responded proudly and in a way that not only acknowledged her diagnosis but also showed the world that she owns her ADHD. The publics response to her statement has been overwhelmingly positive. (As of this writing her tweet has received 51,000 likes and 12,000 shares, and has been discussed in countless articles and media segments.) Simone Biles is a shining example of how when you own your ADHD you can not only succeed, but succeed at the highest levels. So, what does it mean to own your ADHD? It means acknowledging and accepting that ADHD is a part of who you are, taking action to treat your symptoms, and advocating for yourself so that you can receive the help that you need. But how can kids learn to own their ADHD, especially in a world that isnt always supportive? Its a process and a journey that parents can help guide and champion. Acknowledge and Accept. Coming to terms with an ADHD diagnosis can be challenging. Feelings of denial, anger and depression are not unusual. But to be honest, these feeling are far more common among parents of children with ADHD than among the kids themselves. Kids are often relieved to learn that there is a reason why they have been struggling, feeling out of place, or thinking that they are different. As parents you can help your child accept his or her ADHD diagnosis by teaching him or her that ADHD is not something to be ashamed of. It is not a personal weakness or failure. Instead, its something that people are usually born with. Its something that they have inherited just like other characteristics, like their height. Having ADHD just means that they have some specific challenges, and these challenges can be managed and overcome with treatment and support. Share Simone Biles tweet with your child. Talk about how she didnt let ADHD get in her way, and how when she publicly ackno wledged her ADHD diagnosis she received 50,000 likes from people who support her! Take Action. Once you and your child acknowledge and accept his or her ADHD, create an action plan and share it with your child. Let your child know that doctors, scientists, and educators have been studying ADHD for decades, and there are treatments that work. When you make a plan, remember that it doesnt need to be perfect. At the beginning, it may only include one or two action items, and thats okay! For your child, simply knowing that you have a plan will help put him or her at ease. It clearly shows your child that taking action is what you need to do if you want to succeed with ADHD. Also talk to your child about the actions that he or she will need to take to help himself or herself, like attending appointments and committing to trying out new strategies at school and at home. Advocate. People with ADHD need a network of support in order to thrive. They need this as kids, and they will continue to need this as adults. So, talk to your child about the people you will be reaching out to for help. Your childs support team can include doctors who will provide medication and/or behavioral treatments, teachers who will provide extra support in the classroom, yourself as a parent who will learn strategies to support your child at home, relatives who you will call on for extra help, coaches and mentors who will teach your child skills through sports or the arts, and tutors who will help your child succeed in school. When you feel your child is ready and when it is appropriate, include your child in meetings at school when ADHD-related accommodations or the need for additional services are being discussed. Allow your child to participate by sharing what it is that he or she needs help with, and include your child in conversations about possible solutions. At 19 years old Simone Biles is able to own her ADHD because the adults in her life taught her how to accept her diagnosis, take action to get treatment, and advocate for herself to receive support from teachers, coaches, teammates, and friends. As parents, the steps you take now to help your child own his or her ADHD will enable your child to strive to reach his or her full potential without letting ADHD get in the way. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit www.huntingtonfranchise.com. This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Winners of the Great English Giveaway

Winners of the Great English Giveaway About 2 weeks ago we announced a sweepstakes in which wed give away 20 1-month SpeakENG packages to italki members.   We had a lot of great entries to the contest, you can check them out here: Chinese speakers, speakers of other languages.   After receiving so many amusing and interesting entries, we had a difficult time narrowing down the list, but we did manage to choose 20 winners. Congratulations to these members whove won a 1-month subscription to the SpeakENG course. Eucilene       Brazil Amanda      Brazil Yingshine      China Lucinda      China Tony Feng      China Lucky      China Ahmed Elrazki      Egypt Hery      Indonesia Joy       China/Japan Hamahamacchi      Japan Queen Bees      Lebanon CINTHYA      Peru Ugly      Russia Firuz      Tajikistan Nao       Japan/USA Sharanya India Ozan Turkey Sarah Iraq Hasan Bangladesh Winners should claim their prize by the 28th of September and then will have one month to use it.   Good luck to all the winners!   We have high hopes for your improved English ability and we look forward to hearing from you after you use this package. For those of you who didnt win, you can still buy the SpeakENG Online Course for either 1 year or 1 month.   Dont forget the special introductory price of $16 for the 1-year course will be ending September 30.   So make sure you take advantage of the reduced rate and buy before the end of the month! Winners of the Great English Giveaway About 2 weeks ago we announced a sweepstakes in which wed give away 20 1-month SpeakENG packages to italki members.   We had a lot of great entries to the contest, you can check them out here: Chinese speakers, speakers of other languages.   After receiving so many amusing and interesting entries, we had a difficult time narrowing down the list, but we did manage to choose 20 winners. Congratulations to these members whove won a 1-month subscription to the SpeakENG course. Eucilene       Brazil Amanda      Brazil Yingshine      China Lucinda      China Tony Feng      China Lucky      China Ahmed Elrazki      Egypt Hery      Indonesia Joy       China/Japan Hamahamacchi      Japan Queen Bees      Lebanon CINTHYA      Peru Ugly      Russia Firuz      Tajikistan Nao       Japan/USA Sharanya India Ozan Turkey Sarah Iraq Hasan Bangladesh Winners should claim their prize by the 28th of September and then will have one month to use it.   Good luck to all the winners!   We have high hopes for your improved English ability and we look forward to hearing from you after you use this package. For those of you who didnt win, you can still buy the SpeakENG Online Course for either 1 year or 1 month.   Dont forget the special introductory price of $16 for the 1-year course will be ending September 30.   So make sure you take advantage of the reduced rate and buy before the end of the month!

5 Rules for Celebrating Holidays in the Workplace

5 Rules for Celebrating Holidays in the Workplace Image via: www.pexels.com Celebrating one of the most festive holidays can be extremely awkward with the addition of uncomfortable, forced activities and gift exchanges. However, celebrating holidays in the workplace doesn’t ever have to be miserable. In fact, there are ways to make it fun provided that some rules are set in place. What kind of rules? Keep reading for all of the rules that must be followed to have an enjoyable (and not awkward) holiday season in the workplace. Don’t Force the Holiday Spirit on Everyone Everyone celebrates the holidays differently. Some enjoy putting together a huge holiday party for everyone and their mother to enjoy. Others prefer a quiet night in with loved ones. Others don’t like to celebrate at all. It’s important for everyone in the workplace to respect each other’s wishes regarding this holiday. If one coworker isn’t interested in attending the office holiday dinner party or other festivities, leave them be. Sure, people who enjoy these festivities might see nothing wrong with trying to persuade another coworker to come out and spend time in good company, but there are a lot of circumstances to consider here. Maybe that person had some sort of difficult experience on a holiday. Maybe they worship another religion that forbids them from participating in specific festivities. Maybe they don’t have the financial means to celebrate. Or maybe they just aren’t interested â€" and that’s as good of a reason as any. Being respectful is one of the most important rules during this time of year. All employees are allowed to celebrate the holiday however they choose to â€" even if that means not celebrating at all. Image via: www.pexels.com Remember Gift-Giving Etiquette Gift exchanging of any kind can be tricky â€" let alone in the workplace, so here are some rules to follow regarding etiquette. First, don’t get a gift for your boss. Your heart is definitely in the right place, but doing so would put your boss in a difficult position. The reason for this is the power dynamic in the boss-employee relationship. Managers and supervisors have a certain amount of control over their employees, so they, by ethical standards, should not be rewarded for their position of authority. With that being said, if you want to spread the holiday cheer to your employer, consider buying a holiday-themed card and leaving a sincere message on the inside or share baked goods with them when you bring treats into the office. For your coworkers, the best way to exchange gifts is through the always popular game of Secret Santa. Here’s how the game works. Everyone who wants to play randomly picks the name of another willing participant.   Once every player has picked a person, they go out and buy a gift for the person they’ve chosen. For this game to be successful, first, notice the key words wants and willing. Make sure everyone who is playing actually wants to be a part of the game. Nobody should be forced or bullied into doing it. Next, stick to a price cap. Typically, this is $20 or $30. Everyone must obey the price cap! Third, and most importantly, the game is called Secret Santa for a reason! Don’t tell anyone who you’re buying a gift for or it ruins the fun! It’s also smart to start the game early so that everyone has enough time to get their gift. Image via: www.pexels.com Behave Appropriately at Holiday Functions You’re an adult now. Behave yourself at these functions. More than likely, there could be alcohol available for everyone’s enjoyment. Don’t overdo it! Yes, it’s acceptable to have a drink or two, but remember that this is a workplace, not a bar on a Friday night. You are in a professional environment so you need to remember to uphold a professional, responsible image. After too many drinks, you’ll begin to forget what’s appropriate and what isn’t and that could result in the loss of your job. So, by all means, get into the holiday spirit. Just know your limits! Don’t Forget Responsibilities When the office is full of eggnog and Rachel from down the hall is wearing a blinking ornament sweater and reindeer earrings, it’s easy to forget that you’re here to work not to watch Elf three times in a row with Rob from next door. Don’t forget that you’re here to work too and that the productivity of your company cannot suffer because of your holiday spirit. Don’t let yourself fall behind. If you’re finding yourself in a pinch because of the holiday festivities, consider working around them. Try getting to work a little bit earlier than your coworkers so that you’re free from distractions. Or, consider working ahead so that you have some time to enjoy the fun stuff. Just don’t forget what you clocked in there to do: work and be the best you can be. Image via: www.pexels.com Remember What It’s All About Even though it can be a hectic, stressful time in everyone’s lives, we love the holiday season because of its message. It’s a time to take a moment and shower both yourself and those around you with some love and TLC. At the end of the year, it’s time to reflect on life and appreciate everything we have. Show a little extra love to your coworkers and enjoy the holiday season. Happy holidays!